Software engineering is the systematic application of engineering approaches to the development of software. Software engineering is a direct sub-field of engineering and has an overlap with computer science and management science. It is also considered a part of overall systems engineering. Computer Programming. Program design. Computer Systems analysis. Fundamentals of Hardware. Networking. Computer Architecture. Professional Awareness. Authors are solicited to contribute to the proceedings by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of software engineering & applications.
(related to the below topics, but not only
CFP Flyer(en)
CFP Flyer(cn)
Topics in Software Engineering
Agent based web mining, text mining and
information retrieval
Agent or actor oriented analysis in
social networks
Agent-based artificial markets
Agent-mediated e-commerce systems
Architecture-Centered Development
Data Mining in Modeling, Visualization,
Personalization and Recommendation
Data Mining Systems and Platforms,
Efficiency, Scalability and Privacy
Electronic Commerce
Embedded System and Software
Foundations, Algorithms, Models, and
Frameworks and Design Patterns
Knowledge Processing
Knowledge-based Systems and Formal
Languages and Formal Methods
Managing Software Projects
Methods and Techniques for Software
Mining Text, Semi-Structured,
Spatio-Temporal, Streaming, Graph, Web,
Model Engineering
Model-driven Architecture and
Multimedia and Visual Software
Object-Oriented Technologies
Open source technologies and components
for e-business
Open source version management
Personal agents and recommender systems
Quality Management
Re-engineering and Reverse Engineering
Requirements Engineering
Reverse Engineering
Search Engines and Information Retrieval
Security, privacy and trust methods and
solutions for enabling e-business
Software Architecture and Design
Software Engineering Decision Making
Software Engineering Practice
Software Maintenance and Evaluation
Software Maintenance and Testing
Software Management
Software Process
Software Reuse
Software Security
Software Testing , Verification ,
Validation and Analysis
Supply Chain Management Systems
Trading, negotiation, auction and
mechanism design
Trust and reputation in online agent
Web Engineering
Web-based Education Systems and Learning